Webinar recording

Putting M365 to work for information management

In this webinar, experts with years of experience in the information management industry explained to you how the Microsoft 365 platform will likely evolve and how to prepare for the challenges. Experts also showed some best practices and toolings for pulling other content repositories and capabilities under the M365 governance umbrella in order to fully embrace potential business applications. You will also learn how to design a successful content migration roadmap. 

In this webinar, you will learn

  • How to apply new records management capabilities like sensitivity labels, case closer of records, and eDiscovery
  • A methodology for summarizing and critiquing all the available governance features 
  • How to recognize when additional applications are needed to make the most of the Micorosft 365 experience
  • How to develop a successful migration roadmap (presented by Sjoerd Alkema)

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