
Meet Xillio


Future Events

August 14th, 2024

From chaos to control: Migrate your file shares to SharePoint and achieve data compliance with Purview

By 2024, network drives should be a thing of the past, right? Unstructured data, missing version control and proliferation of folder structures make file shares an inefficient and expensive way of working. Employees often use their own methods, resulting in a tangle of files and a lack of uniformity. The absence of effective cleansing and archiving policies leads to messy network drives, which not only creates costs and risks, but also undermines the efficiency of your organisation.

Say goodbye to outdated network drives and hello to a modern solution with SharePoint and Microsoft Purview. Learn more about a streamlined, organised approach to data with top-level compliance and security by signing up for the webinar!

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7 augustus, 2024

Van chaos naar controle: Migreer je netwerkschijven naar SharePoint en zet Purview in voor data compliance

In 2024 zouden netwerkschijven tot het verleden moeten behoren, toch? Ongestructureerde data, ontbrekend versiebeheer en wildgroei aan mappen structuren maken van fileshares een inefficiënte en kostbare manier van werken. Medewerkers hanteren vaak hun eigen methodieken, wat resulteert in een wirwar van bestanden en een gebrek aan uniformiteit. De afwezigheid van een effectief beleid voor opschoning en archivering leidt tot vervuilde netwerkschijven, wat niet alleen kosten en risico's met zich meebrengt, maar ook de efficiëntie van je organisatie ondermijnt.

Het is tijd om afscheid te nemen van je oude netwerkschijven en over te stappen naar een moderne, gestructureerde oplossing: SharePoint, gecombineerd met Microsoft Purview voor alle aspecten van data compliance.

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Past Events

May 29th, 2024

From Concept to Code: Behind the Scenes of Building Xillio's SaaS Products

Dive deep into the world of software development with Xillio's "From Concept to Code," the latest session in our "Meet the Experts" webinar series. Join us as we peel back the layers of our backend architecture and share our journey from initial concept to delivering a fully functional SaaS product.

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May 7th, 2024

Join our exclusive online Kickstarter Masterclass about Copilot

Are you ready to revolutionize the way your organization utilizes Copilot? Whether you're new to this powerful tool or looking to deepen your expertise, our Kickstarter Masterclass is your gateway to mastering Copilot's capabilities.

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April 23rd, 2024

Copilot on Steroids: Unlock the Full Potential of your Microsoft 365

Welcome to the latest edition of our "Meet the Experts" webinar series. This time, we're supercharging your experience with "Copilot on Steroids" - an exclusive session aimed at transforming your Copilot into an unparalleled digital assistant that enhances efficiency, security, and connectivity. Experience a live demonstration of how Xillio's solutions can transform your Copilot into a more powerful tool that not only understands your needs but also anticipates them.


March 7th, 2024

The road to unlock the full potential of Document and Records Management in Microsoft 365 

Are you ready to elevate your Enterprise Content Management (ECM) to the next level? Discover the seamless transition to Microsoft 365, where advanced Document Management and Workflow transitioning meets comprehensive Records Management Migration. Dive into the world of Enterprise Content Management in Microsoft 365 with our expert-led webinar.


March 1st, 2024

Meet the Experts Webinar Series: Behind the Scenes of The Xillio Platform

Watch this exclusive webinar featuring Gerk-Jan Huisma, a pivotal developer from the Xillio Platform development team. Dive deep into the technical foundations that make our platform the leading low code platform for content migration and integration.


Jan 24th, 2024

Ensuring Compliance and Accuracy in Migrations: Reporting and Audit Trails

Dive into the critical topic of Reporting and Audit Trails in content migration in our next 'Meet the Experts' webinar. This session is especially relevant for those transitioning to Microsoft 365 and who are focused on ensuring a compliant and accurate migration process.


December 20th, 2023

Overcoming Challenges in Migrating to Microsoft 365: Mastering Document Version Migrations

Watch the latest installment of Xillio's monthly 'Meet the Experts' webinar series, where we take a deep dive into the real-world challenges faced by businesses transitioning to Microsoft 365. This month, our spotlight is on Version Migrations. Join us and explore the Do's and Don'ts with Expert Kamil Beeli de Belfort!

MTE Kamil

November 27th to 30th, 2023

Meet Xillio at ESPC 2023 (European SharePoint Office 365 & Azure Conference)

Are you looking for a partner with a solid track record in projects and proven software to ensure you move from your existing ECM or CMS environment to Microsoft 365?  We are excited to meet you and your team at the European SharePoint Office 365 & Azure Conference (ESPC23) in Amsterdam!

We are Gold Sponsor

November 22nd, 2023

Overcoming Challenges in Migrating to Microsoft 365:Delta Migration Demystified "Pro Tips and Techniques"

Join the latest installment of Xillio's monthly 'Meet the Experts' webinar series, where we take a deep dive into the real-world challenges faced by businesses transitioning to Microsoft 365. This month, our spotlight is on Delta Migrations.


November 2nd, 2023

Microsoft Purview DLM and RM: Real-World Solutions and Implementation Strategies with Erica Toelle

Join us as we host Erica Toelle, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Microsoft Purview, and Rob Aaldijk, Principal Consultant at Xillio to help you navigate the rich experience that Purview offers.

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October 25th, 2023

Overcoming Challenges in Migrating to Microsoft 365: Long File Paths & Invalid Characters

Join us for the latest instalment of Xillio's monthly 'Meet the Experts' webinar series, where we take a deep dive into the real-world challenges faced by businesses transitioning to Microsoft 365. This month, our spotlight is on two specific hurdles that often trip up even seasoned IT professionals: long file paths and invalid characters.

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August 31st, 2023

Unlock the Power of Microsoft 365: Elevate Your Content for Maximum Impact!

During this engaging webinar, we will show you how you can innovate and stay in control of your Microsoft 365 implementation through our Content Care program. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to elevate your organization's content game with Microsoft 365! Reserve your spot today and embark on a transformative journey toward greater productivity and success.

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June 1st, 2023

Intelligently Manage Your Content and Emails in Microsoft 365 with Archiving and Records Management

Experts from Protiviti and Xillio will share project experience, and insights into Microsoft’s archiving solutions, and discuss best practices, focussing on the challenges of email archiving, filing, and tagging directly from Outlook, specifically.

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May 3rd, 2023

Incorporating emails in your Records Management strategy

In this webinar “Incorporating emails in your Records Management strategy“, we will explore how to incorporate a very common kind of content – email – in your M365 record management strategy. We will cover key concepts, best practices, and tools that can help organisations manage their records more effectively and meet their compliance requirements, in particular on email content.

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April 26th, 2023

Top 5 factors to consider when moving your ECM to Microsoft 365

If you're planning to migrate your legacy ECM system to Microsoft 365, this webinar is the perfect opportunity to gain valuable insights and expert guidance. Our panel of industry experts will share their knowledge and experience to help you navigate the complexities of the migration process and ensure a successful transition. 

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March 29th, 2023

Content Migration to Cloud: Strategies for Success at a UK Regulator

Learn in this roundtable from the path that FCA had set and the challenges it had to overcome with help of the experienced “guide” Xillio to deal with technical obstacles and North Highland keeping everybody on course and steering clear from organisational complexities. We’ll explore the people–process–technology paradigm to uncover valuable insights for you to take away on your own journey. 

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Feb 15th, 2023

The countdown has begun: Migrating from SharePoint 2013

In the webinar, our experts explore the pros and cons of different strategies for dealing with the end of SharePoint 2013, the benefits of migrating to SharePoint Online, and how to execute a smooth enterprise content migration without worrying about broken links, lost information, and compliance risks.

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Jan 31st, 2023

Knowledge Management Migration Trends

In this webinar, Xillio shares the latest migration trends in the context of Knowledge Management, and shows this within the actual context of Viva Topics, the latest and greatest Microsoft Knowledge Management solution.

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